Who is the real terrorist?
Image taken from http://ruvr.ru/files/Image/Editiors/Italia/Elena/terrorismo.jpg
Who is the real terrorist?
Over the past ten years have seen an incredible escalation problems of extra-why there had been in the past ages. Terrorism, war, high oil prices, the economic crisis. Apparently all these elements are separated from each other but careful analysis could lead to unsettling surprises. As you know, on 11 September, the collapse of the twin towers, the most dramatic and bloody terrorist attack in the history of human civilization by Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, was the fuse that sparked the war on international terrorism. From that day the world changed a lot. Today, go on the subway or train, get on a plane, commuting to work, are all operations that lead with their level of anxiety and distress that were unthinkable a decade ago. The war was a (natural?) Consequence of that dreadful attack. Since then it seems almost normal to see the tanks in Chechnya, Tibet, Afghanistan, Iraq, but also in Africa and who knows, maybe even in Greece. The scourge of terrorism was fought and the armies of Western civilization have done their utmost to ensure that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had received an adequate response. However, nine years after the disaster and war declared, the King of Terror and his organization are still at large. Behind them, however, there is a sequence of violation of the most natural human rights enshrined in the Convention Geneva and an environmental disaster without a price. The level of destruction by fire got oil wells and dall'insensato use of depleted uranium in bombs in Iraq is almost equal to the folly of rulers who have battled in one of the world's richest and most beautiful. The cost of war is also enormous in terms of energy. The war dubbed "oil" has used (and still does) a considerable amount of raw materials and every man should be ashamed in front of the ease with which you can find resources to burn in battle at the expense of treating the sick or feed the hungry. Bella civilization "superior" who we are. Truly a great civilization. Congratulations. Oil prices continued to rise dramatically in recent years and no matter whether to conduct the war on terrorism has been an oilman, the son of an oil tanker, a friend of oil companies. China's fault. The oil costs so expensive because China and India at their request as they have not done in the past. It 's a lie. If the price of goods increases compared to the expectations of the purchaser the latter (and automatically) reduce its demands. If it does the most likely one. Is investing. Is betting in itself and in the growth of its economy. This is a bad thing? I think not. The question at this point, it is because Western countries do not invest in yourself and do not bet in its economy. The answer can only be one. Are committing more resources. The war. Exactly. And what happens when you stop believing in yourself? What happens is that they stop the other. If our countries do not invest in the domestic economy as one can hope that others do? At this point seems less incomprehensible to the economic crisis that followed the oil price. Banks exorbitant, petty businesses, citizens harassed and at the mercy of a system-state which not only protects them but play with them as if he's pigeon shooting. Before concluding this analysis of our times should have a premise. In 2000 there was a growing European political and monetary union which are not part of the U.S. today (obviously) and Britain (less obvious). This proved extremely active on all fronts. Right arm of American politics and economics have always had one foot inside (but the other firmly outside) the halls of power in the new Europe. Strange behavior. Really weird. Also according to my apparent digression follows a series of final considerations:
-the worst is yet to come-
our leaders use their position for purposes other than those
-institutional issues that are raised there and in relation to which react with violence are not what we think we understand
-a greater environmental awareness
-must show solidarity with the people, though different from us. After all, we are in the same boat. We do not have presidential aircraft.
-distrust of the information approved by the system. We are not at war. Let us believe is a great way to use any form of censorship
-c 'is worse than losing your job
-we will not vote and to elect our representatives until they are like us-if all
World stock markets fall at the same time or you are kidding or is the time where we decided to take back the money and fight this system
-democracy is not conquered and inquire about the vicissitudes of the couple Pitt-Jolie family.