Install Joomla locally on Ubuntu step by step But as I say, you give yourself up to competition ? :-DDD And then, how to all that are there for Ubuntu?
Yes, but this time it's for a good cause (and fix a few small tips ... ;-))
In any case, I will be as short as last time :-P
Install LAMP
Open System -> Administration -> package manager (synaptic)
Select Edit -> select Activity
A window will open: Check the item LAMP server and give OK.
If this option is not present you can follow the following procedure
NB markedly data (especially passwords) that will be gradually applied for, or go mad :-
sudo apt-get install apache2
-> root password
Test Apache
Copy (or type) in the URL field of your browser:
must appear the words "It works!"
Install PHP
From terminal to:
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
Then restart Apache. From the terminal to:
sudo / etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Check PHP installation
From terminal to:
sudo gedit / var / www / testphp.php
to open a file called
phptest.php .
Copy and paste the file within the string:
\u0026lt;? Php phpinfo ();?>
Save and close the file
For verification, copy (or type) in the URL field of your browser:
Installing MySQL
From the terminal, give:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
MySQL should start automatically to need to set the password of the database server. Should not happen, then, from the terminal to:
mysql-u root
At mysql prompt enter the following line instead of entering our password choice yourpassword
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root' @ 'localhost' = PASSWORD ('yourpassword');
NB1 the semicolon is essential for communicating to the closing of the mysql command
NB2 in case of problems with the mysql password can reconfigure the service providing terminal
sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server
-> / / / Optional step: If we publish in our private network (or internet), our server, it should be changed " Bind Address ", which is the loopback network address of our computer to recognize it from other computers in the case of a private network, simply enter the network address provided by the router for your PC (eg. 192,168 .1.4).
From terminal to:
gksudo gedit / etc / mysql / my.cnf
Then change the line
bind-address =
replacing (typically localhost) with address adequately. End optional step / / / \u0026lt;-
Install PhpMyAdmin
PhpMyAdmin is a great (and simple) tool be launched by the browser to manage the MySQL database server
From terminal to :
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin
In order for php to work with mysql need to edit the php.ini file.
to edit, to a terminal:
gksudo gedit / etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
and uncomment (ie we remove the initial semicolon) from the line
; extension =
(Note to quickly find the line we can use the Find menu ... Try inserting the word Gedit extension) order to make it:
extension =
to save and exit Gedit.
Endless reboot Apache. From the terminal to:
sudo / etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Test your browser by typing in
Enter the password to log in as administrator and database server inseriamola in the window that appears.
End LAMP installation
Install Joomla Download the Joomla we are interested in (let's say you call Joomla_1.x.x_ita - Stable) in any folder (eg. / Home / user / download) and scompattiamolo.
to unpack, we can do as a user terminal
cd / home / user / Downloads
tar-xvzf Joomla_1. _ita Xx - Stable.tgz
or we can do it graphically. Open Nautilus (or Konqueror or Dolphin or other window manager), we move in Hollywood, we right click on the archive file and type 'Extract Here' (with Konqueror, choose the 'Autodetect the subfolder')
Then we open Nautilus as root (from the terminal: sudo nautilus) or better in Krusader root mode (yes, I know, use the window manager to do 'these things is not to be geeks, but who cares, sometimes one has to change, no?:-D), copy the extracted folder into the folder / var / www / and rename it as we are concerned (eg miojoomla)
We then Apache (remember that the transfer we did it as root, which owns the folder) the control of the folder by changing the owner miojoomla and the group.
verify with
cat / etc / group
that there is www-data, ie the user special, with its group, which makes Apache to write in / var / www /.
Once verified consegnamogli giving control of the folder:
sudo chown-R www-data: www-data / var / www / miojoomla
Create the mysql database for Joomla and the user database administrator
NB / / -> Note:
Joomla is set to UTF. Often, instead of the MySQL database is set with default collation
latin1_xxxxxx_ci and this can cause display problems when using non-Latin characters (eg Cyrillic).
Jomla To make that work properly, you must choose, when creating the database, the collation UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) (okay utf8-general-ci)
If the database already created, you will need to back up the database (you never know ) and then launch
for each database table , the following SQL query in order to change the setting:
ALTER TABLE CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 your_table_name COLLATE utf8_general_ci; end note \u0026lt;- / / In the browser, type http:// localhost / phpmyadmin
Enter your desired name for the database (eg joomladb), we test the collation utf8-general-and let us create
on the list and select the database left, choose 'Privileges', select 'Create a new user' (the person who will manage the database during the administration of Joomla Joomla)
screen placed in the field 'name' the name chosen (eg joomlauserdb), in the 'host' enter localhost and password in the fields of the new password (eg (joomlapwdb), leaving the grant (the privileges) as well as the default settings, then save it.
NB the same operation can be done from the command line giving
mysql-u root -
to enter as administrator of mysql. Then (enter after each line):
joomladb .* TO GRANT ALL ON 'joomlauserdb' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'joomlapwdb';
Install Joomla
http://localhost/miojoomla and we start the ' Installation
At the end, you must remove the installation folder present in / var / www / miojoomla.
We can do it through sudo Nautilus or Krusader root, or a terminal
sudo rm - R / var / www / miojoomla / installation
Done! :-)
For those wishing to transfer an existing installation on the local server you will need:
- move the folder of the site from the remote server via ftp to a local user folder
- move (as root) folder in / var / www /
- to transfer the folder permissions to Apache
- download the site's database, eg via phpmyadmin provided by the site server with the export option (unless it is already set to automatically back up daily via email)
- import the mysql database server in local phpmyadmin local
- have to verify the binding site by logging in as administrator
PS was released Joomla 1.6 Stable :-)