Monday, February 22, 2010

Cost Of Starting The Business

circumscribe Pinerolo

Image taken from Pinerolo circumscribe
Pinerolo is a town near Turin, which has, approximately, 38 thousand souls. Twice that of Saluzzo is located in the province of Cuneo. The difference is that saluzzesi enjoy their city. The Pinerolo not. In the evening, after work, people leave to go to Turin or Saluzzo. This habit, I have had numerous occasions to say it is dictated by the fact that citizens do not feel no bond with the city because they are not. A rule Pinerolo are those four or five families that determine the course of business, politics, lifestyle. Not surprisingly, the town lives of Turin a moment of deep economic depression. Large companies have gone or are doing it. The city languishes. A big hand to descend into the abyss of identity crisis, the damage the administration's policies increasingly attentive to the city center (Piazza del Municipio, of course) and less to surrounding areas. Seven square kilometers, 38 thousand inhabitants, trade, crafts, everything is exposed in that small portion of land that is Emanale Piazza Vittorio. Even the stage of the Tour of Italy must be completed in the new area of \u200b\u200bPortsmouth. Any event to take place does not come out of this vicious circle. Yet, in Turin, with the districts, have revitalized entire neighborhoods and increased people's affection and pride for the city. Why can not you do the same in Pinerolo? The application must be paid to those who have no say.


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