Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Recipe For Frozen Premixed Margarita

Ingredients: 4 cloves of garlic, 1 raw egg yolk, 25 cl of olive oil, 1 lemon (juice) 1 / 2 tablespoon cold water, Salt
Preparation: Peel and finely pounded in a mortar four cloves of garlic, stir in egg yolk, a pinch of salt and 25 cl of oil (driven down drop by drop at the beginning and as soon as the sauce begins to bind, 'wire', as for mayonnaise). Quickly rotate the pestle and mix the ingredients together. While the sauce is mounting, add, little by little, the juice of one lemon and 1 / 2 tablespoon cold water. When the sauce is ready, travasatela in a gravy boat. In the event that the sauce would decompose during preparation, in a bowl, beat egg yolk and start to blend, gradually, the aioli failed, making it drop slowly, drop by drop. For the aioli sauce you can use the blender in place of marble mortar.


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