Fedora 11 x86_64 - Install webcam Microdia SN9C201 + OV9650
The following instructions found on the net, but I could not find them in Italian, so I thought to post it.
Type: $ lsusb
if you get a result like this:
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0c45: 624f Microdia PC Camera (SN9C201 + OV9650)
then you have a good chance that your camera is working with this procedure :-)
First, if you are not already in the system, install git, kernel-headers, kernel-devel and ctags:
$ sudo yum install git kernel-headers kernel-devel ctags
I assume that the Fedora repository, and update the various RPMFusion are active
Now we can type, in sequence: $ git clone
$ make $ cd
Now, as root: # modprobe videodev
# modprobe
v4l1-compat modprobe v4l2-compat-ioctl32
insmod sn9c20x.ko
therefore, to verify that the module is correctly loaded: # dmesg
sn9c20x: SN9C20X USB 2.0 webcam driver loaded
sn9c20x: USB SN9C20X 2.0 Webcam - 0C45: 624F plugged-in.
sn9c20x: Detected Sensor OV9650.
sn9c20x: SN9C20X USB 2.0 Webcam is now controlling video device / dev/video0
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_sn9c20x_driver sn9c20x: [E] Empty buffer queue. To store the installation
# strip-g sn9c20x.ko
sn9c20x.ko # cp / lib / modules / `uname-r` / kernel / drivers / media / video / usbvideo / # depmod-a
procedure ends.
To operate the webcam with mplayer (I recommend pettinatevi before:-D):
For a 32-bit installation:
$ LD_PRELOAD = / usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so mplayer tv: / /-tv driver = v4l2: width = 640: height = 480: fps = 25: device = / dev/video0-vo x11
To install a 64-bit
$ LD_PRELOAD = / mplayer tv usr/lib64/libv4l/v4l2convert.so : / /-tv driver = v4l2: width = 640: height = 480: fps = 25: device = / dev/video0-vo x11
at this point it should work default with amsn.
PS If you upgrade the kernel the webcam may not work (the new kernel does not see the form).
around this problem, assuming that the files have been downloaded from the repo (Giáš. ..), repeat the steps: $ cd
$ make # modprobe videodev # modprobe compat-
# insmod sn9c20x.ko
# strip-g sn9c20x.ko
sn9c20x.ko # cp / lib / modules / `uname-r` / kernel / drivers / media / video / usbvideo / # depmod-a
Enjoy ;-)
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