Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gifts For Stroke Patients Families

Fedora 14 - A few tips ...... Fedora 14

As usual, any release-upgrade born problemini setting and / or operation of certain software installed, and each has its specific. Apart from those for which it is sufficient to reinstall (uninstall -> yum clean all -> Setup), show some compatibility issues with the release, and we need a little maintenance. (NB as usual, using the console or yumex). As I found (if I find others, update the post), in particular: - Teamviewer (v 5.0.8888): As explained in this thread, teamviewer uses its own version of wine that is in conflict with one installed, you can fix by downloading and installing wine from the repositories and from the site of the windows version teamviewer (choosing, during installation, "start" instead of " Install "). The most elegant solution, however, maintaining the installed version of Fedora RPM downloaded from the site, is to root console: # cp / usr / bin / wine-preloader / opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/5/wine/bin / wine-preloader - Picasa 3 (updated 11/23/2010): Like the previous case, any problem of launching Picasa can be solved with: # cp / usr / bin / wine-preloader / opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/bin/wine-preloader - GoogleEarth
In case of a crash or not start, the It is best to uninstall the version already present, giving yum clean all, and download the new version of this site (if you have not already. bin saved somewhere).
and navigate to the download folder, or wherever you find the file, and put in sequence, as root, the following commands: # chmod + x
    #. / GoogleEarthLinux.bin - target / tmp / ge # cd / tmp/ge/ / # mv setup.gtk setup.gtk2
# cd / tmp / g If everything is ok, magically, GoogleEarth restart .... :-) You launch and ... no way! Well, never mind, you uninstall and reinstall it, no? No. At the time of writing this post, Avidemux is NOT in the usual repositories (or rpmfusion basis, and do not recommend moving away from them ...). This is due to a conflict with the library What to do? Simple: find the package for 13,
download it here (x86) or

here (x86_64)
if you have not already, then, as detailed in this post

, navigate to the folder where is the root file and dates on the console:
# rpm-ivh - nodeps *. rpm avidemux to avoid unpleasant references to dependencies that there are still (PS instead of avidemux * place to secure the full name of the version choice) -
(updated 11/23/2010):
The problem with having an active local server to test the various platforms on a web-based distros like Fedora so advanced, that it sometimes happens be confronted with yet unresolved bug which may prevent the operation of the framework.
What I found was a problem of "500 Internal Server Error" which prevented the entrance to the platform, by analyzing the apache logs (/ var / log / httpd / error_log), I saw that depended on a couple of lines of php
[Tue November 23 18:56:17 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error : Method Varien_Object: __toString () can not take arguments in / media/HD370GB/Serverspace/magento/lib/Varien/Object.php on line 488 Searching online I found this error
this thread, which has settled the matter, caused by a version of php (5.3.3.-1) is too advanced, and describes an abstract.
In particular, should be amended in the file / lib / Varien / Object.php line ~ 484

public function ___toString (arrAttributes $ array = array (), $ valueSeparator =',') with education public function __invoke (arrAttributes $ array = array (), $ valueSeparator =',')

and the file / app / code / core / Mage / Core / Controller / Request / Http.php Line 274

$ host = split (':', $ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'])

with education

$ host = explode (':', $ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']);

Another problem encountered concerns phpMyAdmin, which prevented me from loading the sample database file "magento_sample_data_for_1.2.0.sql" within the database created for magenta, for quota limits, to fix it, just give the console root: # mysql
magento \u0026lt;magento_sample_data_for_1.2.0.sql

- OpenOffice
Waiting to get rid of the branded version of Oracle for more free LibreOffice (which can already be downloaded from the site in beta 2 version), a small observation: the voracity of the OOo quickstart app CPU is impressive, especially with KDE. Uninstall it! To do this, run any application in the suite, choose Tools -> Options -> -> Memory and uncheck "Enable quickstart in the notification." Your suitors there will be immensely grateful ;-). -
(updated 16/11/2010) How
described in this bug report

, QTParted crashes due to a minor bug: failure to recognize the version in use after the update (qtparted tries to launch a version of parted in xyz format rather than in xy format as shown after 'update). The bug has already been resolved, but is still in testing, so if you want certainty of operation tested, wait for the inclusion of version 0.4.5-25.fc14 in class repository update, which is used by default. If you want to use the patched version now, update-enabled testing and download the update. NB Council strongly, immediately after, again to disable the update-testing repository, if ROLLANT not want to have a system like a twig in the middle of a storm :-)


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