Joomla: slow loading and error 504 Gateway timeout
WebOpenLife , my information structure, is located on U.S. servers provider Mochahost , showing an average ping, from a high-speed Italian media effectiveness, of 130 ms.
This table is definitely higher than in many Italian providers (undoubtedly faster but also much more costly and less functional) traveling at about 20-30 ms (eg Sic.Am. sas placed on the Italian server Fastnom ), but the loss, if your site is fast loading, does not affect much on potential Italian customers.
If the site is fast loading ... Both
static and dynamic sites do not give big problems, at least if you set your home page, or rather, the primary landing page, so you do not have that make them artificially ammenicoli heavy load, so the landing page must be properly set since its design and continuously monitored on a time line. In the case of
WebOpenLife, your problem is the selection of basic templates, with its presence slideshow, which showed very slow to load, compounding the issue of the placement abroad. Slow
that in some cases, probably related to moments of intense traffic, even leading to error 504 gateway timeout. After a brief
Google I checked, particularly when loading images, especially good when you have many images to be loaded with extensions that you can not reduce the size if not at the expense of compressing a significant loss of quality, significant reason for slowing down is given by the check images of the site, both on the part of that specific part of the extension, prior to upload.
The solution to this small but serious problem, which I found in this thread , is as follows:
\u0026lt;root> / administrator / components / com_media / models / manager.php
position in lines 63 and 102
$ Folders = JFolder:: folders ($ base, '.', true, true) and change in
$ folders = JFolder:: folders ($ base, '.', false, true)
This behavior in the case of administrator; a similar thing, where applicable, will be made in the management of specific extension, eg. in the case of an extension that usually makes extensive use of images as virtuemart.
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